Econ Parmest¶

Data Parameter Estimation for a Single Unit - Economizer¶
This notebook demonstrates parameter estimation continuing from the data reconciliation results in econ_recon.ipynb
or boiler_recon.ipynb
1. Read Data¶
The data used here is produced by the data reconciliation step. The data tags are mostly systematically generated from stream names to minimize effort in mapping data to the model. The same model is used for parameter reconciliation and data reconciliation, so the stream names are consistent and any data mapping can be reused. The bin information columns where included in the data reconciliation output, so there is no need to bin the data again here.
import pandas as pd
import idaes.core.dmf.model_data as da
from idaes.logger import getLogger
import logging
Either economizer only or full boiler data reconciliation results can be used here. You can select below.
recon_data = "econ_recon.csv"
#Uncomment the next line to use boiler recon data.
#recon_data = "boiler_recon.csv"
# Since the data is already tagged to match the model and in the correct units, we directly read the data
# into a Pandas data frame, and there is no need to use the data processing functions that were used in the
# data reconciliation notebook (although they could be used here).
df = pd.read_csv(recon_data)
# Calculate the standard deviations of the binned data
bin_stdev = da.bin_stdev(df, bin_no="bin_no")
/home/runner/.conda/envs/idaes-env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/idaes/core/dmf/ FutureWarning: Dropping of nuisance columns in DataFrame reductions (with 'numeric_only=None') is deprecated; in a future version this will raise TypeError. Select only valid columns before calling the reduction. res[i] = df2.std(axis=0)
Create a function to set the model data. In this case, we take the data reconciliation results for model input to be correct and set those in the model. Another approach would be to also estimate model inputs given that there is some uncertainty in their measurements.
# The 'set_data' function below takes data from the DataFrame and updates the model data parameters.
def set_data(m, df, data_tags, index=None):
if index is None:
index = df.index[0]
dft = df.transpose()[index]
m.bin_no = dft["bin_no"][data_tags])
# Set the inlet streams from the data.
input_tags = [
for t in input_tags:
m.data_tags[t].expression.value = dft[t]
2. Create Model Generator Function¶
We use the Parmest tool from Pyomo to do the parameter estimation here, which requires a function to generate a model for each case. The cases are put together by Parmest to set up a parameter estimation problem.
# Import models
import os
import pyomo.environ as pyo
from idaes.core.util import model_serializer as ms
from idaes.core import FlowsheetBlock
from import FlueGasParameterBlock
from idaes.models_extra.power_generation.unit_models.boiler_heat_exchanger import (
from import iapws95
import idaes.core.util.tables as ta
from idaes.core.util.tags import ModelTagGroup
# Add a function to get an instance of the economizer model.
solver = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt')
def get_model(data):
m = pyo.ConcreteModel()
m.fs = FlowsheetBlock(dynamic=False, time_units=pyo.units.s)
m.fs.prop_water = iapws95.Iapws95ParameterBlock()
m.fs.prop_fluegas = FlueGasParameterBlock()
m.fs.econ = BoilerHeatExchanger(
cold_side={"property_package": m.fs.prop_water,
"has_pressure_change": True},
hot_side={"property_package": m.fs.prop_fluegas,
"has_pressure_change": True},
# Set inputs and initialize. Since the initialization is repeated each time a
# model is created, we'll save the results and reload them.
if os.path.isfile("econ_init.json.gz"):
ms.from_json(m, fname="econ_init.json.gz")
h = pyo.value(iapws95.htpx(563.706*pyo.units.K, 2.5449e7*pyo.units.Pa))
m.fs.econ.cold_side_inlet.flow_mol[0].fix(24678.26) # mol/s
m.fs.econ.cold_side_inlet.enth_mol[0].fix(h) #J/mol
m.fs.econ.cold_side_inlet.pressure[0].fix(2.5449e7) # Pa
# Set the flue gas flow and composition
fg_rate = 28.3876e3 # mol/s equivalent of ~1930.08 klb/hr
fg_comp = { # mol fraction of flue gas components
# The rest is N2
fg_comp["N2"] = 1 - sum(fg_comp[i] for i in fg_comp)
# Set economizer inlets
for c in fg_comp:
m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.temperature[0].fix(682.335) # K
m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.pressure[0].fix(100145) # Pa
# Set economizer design variables and parameters
ITM = 0.0254 # inch to meter conversion
# Based on NETL Baseline Report Rev4
m.fs.econ.tube_thickness.fix(0.188*ITM) # tube thickness
m.fs.econ.tube_di.fix((2.0 - 2.0 * 0.188)*ITM) # calc inner diameter
m.fs.econ.tube_length.fix(53.41*12*ITM) # use tube length (53.41 ft)
m.fs.econ.tube_nrow.fix(36*2.5) # use to match baseline performance
m.fs.econ.tube_ncol.fix(130) # 130 from thermoflow
m.fs.econ.tube_r_fouling = 0.000176
m.fs.econ.shell_r_fouling = 0.00088
"flow_mol": m.fs.econ.cold_side_inlet.flow_mol[0].value,
"pressure": m.fs.econ.cold_side_inlet.pressure[0].value,
"enth_mol": m.fs.econ.cold_side_inlet.enth_mol[0].value,
"H2O": m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.flow_mol_comp[0, "H2O"].value,
"CO2": m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.flow_mol_comp[0, "CO2"].value,
"N2": m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.flow_mol_comp[0, "N2"].value,
"O2": m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.flow_mol_comp[0, "O2"].value,
"NO": m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.flow_mol_comp[0, "NO"].value,
"SO2": m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.flow_mol_comp[0, "SO2"].value,
"temperature": m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.temperature[0].value,
"pressure": m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet.pressure[0].value,
ms.to_json(m, fname="econ_init.json.gz")
# Add tags and data parameters
stream_dict = ta.arcs_to_stream_dict(
"BFW": m.fs.econ.cold_side_inlet,
"ECON_OUT": m.fs.econ.cold_side_outlet,
"FG_2_ECON": m.fs.econ.hot_side_inlet,
"FG_2_AIRPH": m.fs.econ.hot_side_outlet,
state_dict = ta.stream_states_dict(stream_dict, time_point=0)
m.data_tags = ModelTagGroup()
prop_dict = {
"flow_mass": "_Fm",
"flow_mol": "_F",
"enth_mol": "_h",
"temperature": "_T",
"pressure": "_P",
comp_list = ["O2", "NO", "N2", "SO2", "CO2", "H2O"]
for state, block in state_dict.items():
for prop, suffix in prop_dict.items():
comp = getattr(block, prop)
m.data_tags.add(expr=comp, name=state+suffix, format_string="{:.3f}")
# Add tags for molar flow rates of each component
for j in comp_list:
# Not all components appear in all streams
comp = block.flow_mol_comp[j]
m.data_tags.add(expr=comp, name=f"{state}_F[{j}]", format_string="{:.3f}")
except KeyError:
m.data_tags.add(expr=m.fs.econ.heat_duty[0], name="ECON_Q", format_string="{:.3f}") = pyo.Param(m.data_tags, mutable=True, doc="Process data for a specific point in time.")
m.data_stdev = pyo.Param(m.data_tags, mutable=True, doc="Process data standard deviation.")
def err(m, i):
return ([i] - m.data_tags[i].expression)/m.data_stdev[i]
# Set the data
set_data(m, data, data_tags=pd.Series(m.data_tags.keys()))
return m
# Try the get model function
solver = pyo.SolverFactory('ipopt')
m = get_model(df)
# Solve the model at the first data point
res = solver.solve(m)
RangeIndex(start=0, stop=250, step=1)
# Show the model result at the first data point
from idaes.core.util.tags import svg_tag # utility to place numbers/text in an SVG
from IPython.display import SVG, display
with open("econ.svg", "r") as f:
s = svg_tag(svg=f, tag_group=m.data_tags, outfile="econ_init.svg")
3. Set Up Parameter Estimation¶
Here we use the Parmest tool to solve the parameter estimation problem. The theta_names list is a list of parameters to estimate. The theta names strings are the location of the parameters in the model. A function sse()
is also defined that creates the objective function for each model instance. The objective from the individual cases is summed to produce the overall parameter estimation objective.
# List of parameters to estimate
theta_names = [
# Tags to include in the objective
objective_tags = {
# Return expressions for the objective
def sse(model, data):
return sum((model.err[i])**2 for i in objective_tags)
Run Parmest and record the results. Here we group the data by bin. Each parameter in theta_names will be estimated based on all the points in a bin. This will allow us to examine whether the parameters have a dependence on load.
import pyomo.contrib.parmest.parmest as parmest
import numpy as np
# run parmest tool for each power bin
for i, group in df.groupby("bin_no"):
pest = parmest.Estimator(get_model, group, theta_names, sse)
obj, theta = pest.theta_est()
print(f"Bin number: {i}, objective: {obj}")
parmest_results[i] = {'obj':obj, 'theta': theta}
Bin number: 0.0, objective: 56.88787898021291 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.532104 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.013116 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 0.041279 dtype: float64 Bin number: 1.0, objective: 21.5175285450675 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.620108 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.023475 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 5.095174 dtype: float64 Bin number: 2.0, objective: 19.55193297281616 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.403364 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.007417 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 4.023197 dtype: float64 Bin number: 3.0, objective: 31.341519211230683 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.488449 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.024826 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell -1.136839 dtype: float64 Bin number: 4.0, objective: 35.22657753921361 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.523593 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.008824 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 2.957272 dtype: float64 Bin number: 5.0, objective: 30.922514712010702 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.453714 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.990926 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 1.437973 dtype: float64 Bin number: 6.0, objective: 25.178879688881135 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.607288 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.970936 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 1.678398 dtype: float64 Bin number: 7.0, objective: 37.128481066239424 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.406821 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.985352 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 1.630442 dtype: float64 Bin number: 8.0, objective: 30.15994939625865 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.423817 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.995257 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 1.439381 dtype: float64 Bin number: 9.0, objective: 19.21014008235654 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.416077 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.020699 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell -4.030140 dtype: float64 Bin number: 10.0, objective: 18.511971637075238 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.456900 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.976124 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 5.150877 dtype: float64 Bin number: 11.0, objective: 14.444938559454604 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.530069 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.975966 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 0.186283 dtype: float64 Bin number: 12.0, objective: 30.459057130872324 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.558721 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.987269 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 1.126607 dtype: float64 Bin number: 13.0, objective: 29.77552090067474 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.417847 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.003869 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 0.022246 dtype: float64 Bin number: 14.0, objective: 15.123952519399493 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.503236 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.990504 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 3.266237 dtype: float64 Bin number: 15.0, objective: 24.573988522418006 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.532600 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.975000 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell -1.351039 dtype: float64 Bin number: 16.0, objective: 38.82304204800615 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.439329 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.993712 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 1.731306 dtype: float64 Bin number: 17.0, objective: 44.03107214882899 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.482328 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.979370 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell -0.289788 dtype: float64 Bin number: 18.0, objective: 17.725898359651946 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.521001 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.032675 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 3.487472 dtype: float64 Bin number: 19.0, objective: 36.148849640454415 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.394337 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.988983 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 1.909361 dtype: float64 Bin number: 20.0, objective: 18.598319352193357 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.533059 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.021520 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell -1.701380 dtype: float64 Bin number: 21.0, objective: 21.875317584297093 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.448586 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.968747 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell -3.492656 dtype: float64 Bin number: 22.0, objective: 17.525063141968563 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.488911 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.992928 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 0.734506 dtype: float64 Bin number: 23.0, objective: 46.65107742687482 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.505589 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.979993 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell -1.566051 dtype: float64 Bin number: 24.0, objective: 214.69292769842443 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.435322 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 1.022724 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 0.201852 dtype: float64 Bin number: 25.0, objective: 58.698744443973155 fs.econ.fcorrection_htc 1.392669 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_tube 0.952199 fs.econ.fcorrection_dp_shell 2.976371 dtype: float64